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What Happens After the Blind Side Breakup

What Happens After the Blind Side Breakup


Just Let Go

In case you didn’t already know, blind side breakups happen when one party decides to check out of the relationship…without letting you know. It often comes as a surprise (hence the term blindside) because your significant other has spent months stewing if they’ve made the right decision. So if this has happened to you…here are some things that might happen.

People will tell you horror stories

When I broke up with my boyfriend, my friends had a bank  of horror stories to ‘make me feel better’.  Whoever said misery loves company was obviously a narcissist – not me. I don’t want to hear about other assholes. I want hopeful stories…to know there are still nice guys out there who hold the door or offer their seat to you on the bus…or the ones who pick up the phone instead of texting entire conversations – those are keepers.




You’ll get spoilt

You know who your true friends are during a break up. The ones who will be there on call 24/7 from the other side of the world, ones who drop their plans just to spend a day with you at the park…friends who will try anything to make you feel better. They are rockstars you hold onto forever.

You start to find other ways to fill up what used to be couple time

This isn’t about filling your day with distractions. Being single means you have time to do what you love – selfishly. There’s nothing I love more than waking up on a Sunday morning knowing I can do whatever I want. It’s not that I was tied to the ol’ ball in chain – but being in a couple means you have to consider your significant other’s plans. If you’re single now – take advantage because you’re likely to be time rich! It’s not going to last forever you know. So stop obsessing when you’re going to meet ‘the one’.

You’ll feel grateful

This one might be hard to act on but once you do, you’ll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. My friend overheard a civil conversation with my ex today. We were sorting out the remnants of our household and when the conversation ended she said: I can’t believe you can be so nice to him after what he put you through. To which I responded: “It takes so much more energy to harbor negative feelings than to just let it go”. I feel better for it. Anyway as hard as it may be, be thankful that the relationship ended. If it wasn’t meant to be, it’ll clear the path for a new love.

Chin up. There’s someone better out there for you.

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