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What He Means When He Says…

What He Means When He Says…

It's pretty simple
It’s pretty simple

Guys are straight forward creatures. They mean what they say and yet how many times have we tried to ‘read between the lines’ or employ selective hearing? 99% of the time, guys will tell you how they really feel. Don’t believe us? Hear it from a guy.

1. I’m Not Ready for Commitment
Nick: It can means lots of things, but if a man says that and he is still flirting with you, it means they’re interested in casually dating or one night stands. In my experience, it will come from a man who knows what he wants and doesn’t have a problem saying it. I believe it is a sign of integrity of a man to be able to stand up in the face of a beautiful woman and speak his truth.
2. You are Such a Good Friend
Nick: It means you’re a good friend. Depending on the man, it could either mean he has no romantic interest in you or it could mean he is to pussy to stand up and say he likes you. Either way, assume friendship and nothing more.
3. I Don’t Know If I Want to Get Married
Nick: He doesn’t know what he wants or hasn’t met the right person yet. A man need to communicate clearly about what he wants in life, especially to a woman and this screams of ambiguity.
4. I Just Got of a Bad Relationship and I Want to Take Things Slow
Nick: He is not interested in a monogamous relationship with you. Simple. I would also assume he has a lot of baggage floating around.
5. I’m Too Busy to Date
Nick: He is not that interested in you! My life is incredibly busy, but if I am interested in someone special, time magically becomes available. There are people in my life I am too busy to see, but I always manage time for my besties. If you get this little beauty from a man, move on! No one wants to be a low priority.

You might be thinking that Nick is an exception, that most guys are more complicated but we also asked our resident expert Jack and he had nothing more to say other than ‘I mean exactly what I say’.
So whilst we love to analyse every conversation to our hearts content with our gal pals, most of the time there really is no reason to read between the lines. What do you think?
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