Why Nice Guys Are Overrated
Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…

By Mark
Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of stories from my girlfriends about “good guys gone wrong”. My friend told me about a story of her girlfriend who dated this guy for 10 years. He was a devote Christian, always happy and was the perfect gentleman. Everything was peachy keen and they soon got engaged. After the engagement, things started to go wrong. He began acting mysterious and suddenly – he just up and left. Now, my friend sees this guy’s pictures on facebook – tattoos, trashed and high every weekend. A real bad boy this late in the game (totally not a loser at all). This left my friend exasperated and bewildered. She turned to me and said what all naive girls like to say:
“I don’t understand…he was such a good guy…”
It always baffles me whenever girls say this because I could never understand how these people can exist so long in this world without being devoured by sabretooth tigers. Here’s an insight about guys:
Inside every nice boy is a bad boy just trying to get out.
Every guy has the natural tendency to want to be the alpha male, but due to societal, familial, cultural, etc constraints, not everyone gets to be the bad boy. Nice guys want to be the man as much as bad guys but they’re being restrained by their own internal/external circumstances. Basketball player/Miami Heat soft cone Chris Bosh is a prime example. That guy always gets punked on by other players – clearly not the alpha male, but when he makes a play on the court, he’s given that 3 seconds of freedom to act like the man and yell like a velociraptor.
Nice guys are like Chris Bosh – they get stepped on all the time but if they’re ever given 15 minutes of glory, they will greedily take every second of it because they know that it might not happen again.
That’s why you see nice guys go clubbing in groups – they go, stand in the corner, get drunk and high five each other talking about all the girls they’re gonna take home and then they go home by themselves on the MTR. They’re nice guys trying to be bad. They’ll keep going clubbing every weekend because of two things:
1) Practice – they think that if they go clubbing enough times, they’ll eventually pick up a few things and then become a real stud. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. If you always go out with your loser friends, you’ll remain just like them – crabs in the bucket.
2) Probabilities – if they go clubbing enough times, they’ll eventually get a one night stand.
So what’s does this mean to girls who date nice guys?
These perfectly nice guys are the ones you have to watch out for the most because they’ve never experienced the life of not being nice. Don’t think that they don’t think about it – it’s human nature. The bad boy lifestyle touches so many aspects of being an alpha male that it’s hard not to get tempted by it. That side of the yard is so appealing and mysterious to them that they’d wonder how they would do. It’s like how every guy thinks that he can date a stripper and be totally cool with it – what’s so hard about it? I’m a real people person. I can do it. The answer is no.
Girls, I think its best for you to date reformed guys – the trick is that they’re reformed because they’ve seen the lows of living a crazy life and don’t want to deal with it anymore. They’ve been there and didn’t like it. For nice guys who’ve never been there – they’re saving up for that trip. If there’s ever a chance to play that role, their suitcase is all packed up and ready to go.
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.