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20 Things You’d Tell Your 20 Year Old Self

20 Things You’d Tell Your 20 Year Old Self

relationship-adviceHindsight is 20-20 isn’t it? But then again what fun would that be if we couldn’t make our own mistakes and figure it out along the way. Thanks to some great friends, we’ve compiled this super list of great relationship advice we’d tell our 20 year old selves – it applies whether you’re 20 or 30+.

1. “If you’re in a long term relationship, get out of it as soon as possible. Go live your life. You need time on your own to figure out who you are. The sooner, the better.” – S.R

2. “Ditch the Cinderella complex. Fairytales don’t exist, neither does Prince Charming.” -G.F

3. “Don’t put all your energy in something that may not last forever. Take it as an experience.” -L.W

4. “Don’t take it too seriously.” -L.W

5. “To not put all your eggs in 1 basket… think that the girl you are with at age 20 is the ONE, is silly.” – J.B

6. “Protect yourself and love yourself first” – R

7. “Don’t give up the moon attempting to chase the stars” -J.C

8. “Don’t waste your time on people who don’t invest time in you.” – S.R

9. “Trust that someone special will come along when the time is right” -R.R

10. “Don’t date someone for their potential. Date them for who they are right now.” -Iona

11. “Not everything revolves around you” -S.L

12. “Trust your gut. When it comes to knowing if something is right or wrong, don’t listen to your head or your heart. Tap into that jelly bean that sits in your gut and listen to it.” -J.C

13. “The grass isn’t greener on the other side. Stick with what you have.” -M.S

14. “Don’t waste your time and think people will change.” – L.U

15. “You need to be the type of person you want to meet.” -Iona

16. “Your past relationships don’t dictate your future ones. Start new relationships with a clean slate.” -M.O

17. “Someone will break your heart. Have the courage to fall in love again…fearlessly.” – R.E

18. “Stop chasing after ‘The One’. You have the rest of your life to be in a committed relationship.” -S.E

19. “Relationships aren’t like rom-coms. Couples fight after the happy ending, they just don’t show that part in the movies.” -L.P

20. “Don’t settle…ever.” – R.W

Photo Credit: Le Portrait Photography

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