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Need a reason to get to that online profile? We’ve got one.

Need a reason to get to that online profile? We’ve got one.

online-dating-researchWe have mixed feelings about online dating here. Whilst I favour organic meetings and rom-com like meet cutes over Tinder matches and inbox messages, dating site eHarmony has given us another reason to create that online profile.

New data from eHarmony has showed the site is a fast-track to marriage, with the average length of time for new couples becoming engaged less than a year after they are first matched on the site. The online relationship site studied its member base of more than 2 million Australians and also discovered that success couples are getting married just 15 months after establishing contact.

The findings are consistent with eHarmony’s new Relationship Study, a national survey of Australian adults, which found that 71% of those who have used an online dating site in the past think online dating accelerates the ‘getting to know you stage’ of the relationship. Almost the same number (70%) agree that relationships progress much faster once you meet in person, because you already know so much about each other.

Path to marriage

While there are few benchmarking studies in this field, the Longitudinal Study of Marriage conducted by eHarmony from 2008-2012 observed 350 married couples from California and found that of the 300 couples who had met offline, it took an average of 4.32 years from the first time they knew they were romantically interested in each other until marriage.

Another regularly referenced study is Ted Huston’s PAIR Project research, which followed couples for 13 years starting in 1981 and found that happily married couples dated for approximately 25 months before tying the knot.

Path to happy and lasting relationships?

In the US, 1 in 3 couples have met online and studies have shown these pairs may also be happier and have longer-lasting and more satisfying marriages. But don’t rush to create your profile on every dating site you can find. It’s a numbers game but it’s best to chose your channel wisely. Not all dating sites garner the same success. I haven’t been on eharmony myself but from what I hear, it’s the site to go to if you’re looking for a partner and not just a hookup.

Technology’s impact on love – Does it make us lazy?

Having access to so many prospects within a few clicks can make us lazy. “I have 3-4 dates lined up from women I’ve met online. When I’m finished with his stamps on RSVP, I’m going to try and meet women in real life again”, Nate, 38. Whilst online dating can be an effective and convenient way to meet someone, there’s nothing like that initial attraction you feel when you meet someone in person. Create that profile but don’t ignore the possibilities in the day-to-day.

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