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What We Think of Mens Underwear

What We Think of Mens Underwear


Women on Mens Underwear

Not long ago, we asked our guy panel to comment on what type of lingerie guys like  (No frills – we got your memo loud and clear boys). And so we thought it was only fitting to ask the ladies about the type of underwear we’d like to see on our man. They say you can tell a lot about a man from his watch and shoes but when it comes to the bedroom, does underwear matter? We asked 3 ladies what they think of mens underwear. They get a bit critical here but know that in the heat of the moment, most of us don’t care what underwear you’re wearing. If they so happen to be brand new fresh Calvin Kleins, we might appreciate it but it doesn’t mean you won’t score if they’re not either.

The Classic Boxer

Amanda: I don’t think grown men should wear boxers anymore. It’s for kids. Sponge Bob, Spider Man and Superman- they all belong on boxers because they’re meant for kids. I understand that your swimmers need to be free but I wouldn’t save your favourite pair for the bedroom. ‘But Sponge Bob is sooooo hot’ – said no one ever.

Amy: Boxer shorts remind me of my grandpa. But hey if that’s the kind of impression you want to make…

Celeste: They’re alright. I had an ex who use to wear them all them time. There were holes in them which was the biggest turnoff. I don’t mind boxers as long as they’re crisp and newish.

The Tighty Whities

Amanda: Love this on the right body. When I say the right body I mean a 6′ foot tall, dark and handsome man with a 6 pack. It’s superficial  but tighty whities are reserved for men who look like they’ve had their abs photoshopped. Better on the mannequin than on. Proceed with caution.

Amy: Yes, they’re not very forgiving are they? Kind of like the bondage dress of underwear- you only wear them when you haven’t eaten a bucket of KFC chicken for dinner. To be honest though, women aren’t as visual as men. If it’s gotten to the point where you’re stripping into skivvies, the chances are, there are a gazillion other things going through our minds.

Celeste: Love them but would prefer them in black – it’s generally a more flattering colour. And that way if you have accumulated stubborn stains, they’re less obvious.

The Brief

Amanda: I live in Sydney and so it’s not uncommon for me to see men in briefs on the beach. Briefs are nice when you don’t have a gut.

Amy: They’re not my favourite but they keep everything supported -like a bra. I can appreciate it that.

Celeste: This is more a style for swimwear than bedroom for me.

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Boxer Briefs

Amanda: Boxer briefs are my favourite. They are flattering on any body type, give a bit of shape to the bum and aren’t so tight that everything looks squished.

Amy: Love them. Love them in solid colours especially -basics are best in my opinion. Charcoal grey, black or white (if you can keep them white!)

Celeste: I probably see most guys I date wear these.

A Little Holey – So ladies, what if you find a hole in them?

Amanda: Are we talking the odd 1 here and there? If so, it really isn’t an issue. If he has one for every pair then I’d questioned how organised he is with his life? Amy: Like holes in socks, 1-2 is fine but if you’re trying to impress a lady, best to keep them in reserve Celeste: Meh, it doesn’t really matter. If I’m not doing the laundry, I wouldn’t notice anyway.

Labels: Do you care if they are Calvin Kleins?

Amanda: Nope. But if they are, I’ll take note and assume you know your labels. Amy: Like clothing, labels are a reflection of your style. I like labels you can’t see but in this case, underwear is an exception. Celeste: No, it really doesn’t matter. Most women don’t care.

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