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Best Double Duty Bath Time Products

Best Double Duty Bath Time Products


best-bath-time-productsBody and haircare products often get neglected in our beauty posts. That’s because no one says ‘oh that lady has really old looking back skin’. Tis true but when you live in Sydney and it’s practically summer all year round, you want all of your skin to look good. That said, I still can’t justify splurging on body care products when I can be out looking for the next best fix-it-all to the wrinkles that will inevitable appear around the corner of my eyes. And so this is a round up of the best bath time products.


Philosophy: I was gifted this Philosophy bath kit from I’ve tried a few Philosophy products before and thought they were alright. It wasn’t until I read that packaging that sold me. It works as a body wash, bubble bath AND shampoo. I probably wouldn’t use it as a shampoo everyday but if I was traveling, this would be the perfect product to take with me. It works well as a body wash and adds a nice scent to the bubble bath but it doesn’t lather as much as regular bubble baths, which is expected. Our favourite:  Melon Daiquiri and Raspberry Sorbet. If you’d like to try it for yourself, enter this discount code at for 15% off:  BLX-EVERAFTER.

Circa Home Candles: I’ve been meaning to write about this candle for months now! I burn through these babies like Kayla Itsines burns through her calories. A candle is a candle but some are better than others. I love the Spiced Fig and Honey Classic because it smells like winter in a Canadian cottage. Burn time= 14 hours.

Sachajuan Haircare: If you’ve read any of my other beauty posts, you’ll know I tend to gravitate towards natural skincare. I try to be just as picky with my hair care but I’ve never been able to find natural shampoos that lather and clean.  I’m loving the Sachajuan professional haircare range which smells great (as in it doesn’t smell natural) and does the job. It’s a Swedish brand but now available for sale in Australia too. 1 250ml bottle of shampoo might set you back $33 but if you’re looking for haircare without lots of nasties, give it a go. 

Some general tips:

– Hot water dries out your skin so if you like a hot bath, moisturise when you get out of the tub to lock in your skin’s moisture

– Exfoliate to get smooth skin. Use an exfoliating brush in circular motions. Don’t exfoliate around your chest, where skin can be delicate

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gifts that look expensive

– If you don’t have a leave in conditioner, leave your regular conditioner in for an extra few minutes

– If you’ve run out of shaving cream, your conditioner will work just as well

– Take off all your makeup before you get into the tub, it’ll open up the pores

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