All The Things I Learned In 2016

Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
2016 was filled with highs but I’d be lying if I said it was a breeze. On a professional and personal level, it was the year I accelerated my growth in learning about relationships of all kinds i.e. family, romantic, work…etc. Through it all I realised one thing – if we’re not learning what’s the point? If we’re just existing and not living, what’s the point? On that note, here are my most important lessons learned this year:
Everyone Is Doing The Best They Can
At the core of every person is a need to be loved and show love. They may not show it in ways you expect but they are doing the best they can with the tools and examples they’ve grown up with. That guy who ghosted you a month ago is probably doing the best he can to be a good person. That prick from work who always picks on you may mean well despite his random fits of rage. Reality is, you never know what battles people are fighting behind the scenes.
You Have to Live Your Best Life – RIGHT NOW
This year I spoke to so many women who was certain their lives would change if they had $10,000 a month, if they lost that extra 5kg, if they finally found that man… but if you think any of those things will take away your existing problems, you’ll be in for a rude awakening. Those things may enrich your life but YOU are the only person with the power to transform your life. Start taking responsibility – don’t wait for something else to change your life…why would you want to give someone so much power anyways? If you were to die tomorrow, would you be happy with the life you’re living? In what ways could you change it and be happy right now?
Life Literally Happens When You’re Planning It
This was the biggest lesson learned this year. As I was counting forward to the months leading up to our wedding, dreaming of the day I’d crack the $10k a month income stream – days, weeks and months were passing by quick. It wasn’t till Cristian reminded me to stop stressing over what I hadn’t yet achieved and just enjoyed the present. I was so busy planning ahead, I forgot to look where I was. The people in your life right now are the ones who matter, make sure you spend time with them. You never know when time will run out.
You HAVE To Celebrate The Small Wins
I’m guilty of this. I’m impatient and when I set a goal, I want to achieve it…like yesterday. But sometimes it’s not about the end goal but the small milestones that get you there. If you’re single and looking for a long term relationship, celebrate every good date you have, celebrate all the things you’ve done as a single woman. If you’re looking to make a certain amount of money, break your big goals into smaller ones – celebrate for every $500, $1000, $1500 you bring into your business.
Weddings Rarely Stay On Budget
As you may know, we are getting married next year! We initially set out a $10k wedding budget and hired a wedding planner to help us stay within it. It may sound counter intuitive but hiring the right people (like Nikki Hunt from Think PR & Events) can actually help you save hundreds of dollars.
Hold On To The Friends Who Support Your Dreams
They’re the ones who’ll tell you to keep going when you’re having a bad day or in my case fix your website when it’s down…even at 8am on a Sunday morning (thanks Owen). They’ll be the ones who will gently tell you that you’ve missed a week of posting (hi Jen) and the ones who’ll give you new leads all the way from Amsterdam (Sheena =) ). .. and then there are the friends who will read and comment on every single one of your emails (Nick…).
There Is No Such Thing As Luck In Love
Working with so many women this year, I can claim that when it comes to love and finding the one, there is no such thing as luck in love. I believe in this truth so much that I’ve now made it my brand tagline. Some women think it takes months, years and fate to meet their person when simply this isn’t true. When you put some elbow grease into it and do the work, tweak your mindset, love flows in effortlessly. If you want to know how to do this, check out my bootcamp.
Don’t Just Exist. Live Your Life
This one actually came to me one morning. I woke up, half asleep and heard a voice sternly say to me: “Don’t just exist. Live”. Are you just existing and living life on autopilot or are you making active choices to create a life you love. If the answer is no, make changes now. If you don’t like your job, leave it. If you’re unhappy in your relationship, change it. If you’re sick of being single, do something about it. If you’re uncomfortable in your own skin, get help. Hire a nutritionist. Work out. Make a change and you’ll see change. Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to change your life. It’s yours.
Photo via Unsplash
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.