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How to give yourself great advice: A review of Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light Oracle Cards

How to give yourself great advice: A review of Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light Oracle Cards

I’ve always believed that you create your own luck in love. It’s why I’m not onboard with fortune telling. It assumes that our paths are determined and that we just need to sit back and wait for things to happen. But what it doesn’t account for are the many little steps and detours that ultimately get you from a to b. And sometimes the best advice isn’t from a blog or YouTube – it’s from you.

If you can sit still, be present and tune into your own thoughts, you’d be surprised by how much guidance you can give yourself, especially when you’re faced with questions like these:

Is my relationship worth saving?
Should I give a guy another chance?
This guy says he doesn’t want a relationship, is it worth waiting around for?
Am I with the right person?
Am I on the right path to meet my ‘one’?

I’ve always dabbled here and there with Tarot cards to give me guidance on decisions I’ve been unsure about. But I never came across a deck that resonated with me…until I came across Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light Oracle Cards. 

They had a feeling of lightness other decks don’t have.

What it is:


A 44 card oracle deck with five suits that help to connect you with your intuition.

Confirmation cards – for quick guidance

Inquiry cards – help you tap into your inner guidance

Action cards – prompt you to do what it takes to make your dream happen

Activation cards – help you heal

Transmission cards – lead you to get support when you need it

I realise that this stuff errs on the side of woo-woo so let me give you an example of some of the cards in the deck. They’re a lot more easy to use than I thought:

The difference between tarot cards and oracle cards

I had to Google this myself. In short, tarot cards have a predetermined structure i.e. Knight of Cups, The Empress. All tarot decks have the same amount of cards – similar to regular playing cards. Oracle cards, on the other hand, are a little more creative. Some decks have more cards than others and each can range from a message of guidance to inspirational words.

Who it’s suited to:

Beginner friendly

Where to buy:

You can purchase Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light cards on Amazon.

Note: I get a small commission whenever someone makes a purchase through my affiliate links. I only recommend products I have or will purchase.

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