Top 5 Traits of a Good Wing Woman
Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…

A good wing woman sets the scene for her friend to meet the cute guy from across the bar/park/social setting without putting her friend at risk for rejection. Are you a good wing woman? Here are top 5 things a good wing woman does.
She Takes the Time to Pre-Screen
Guys who live at home are a deal breaker for you and a good wing woman knows it. She’ll coyly do a pre-screen test i.e. does he live at home, does he have a criminal background, would he look good in daylight…before she introduces you to him. She won’t pawn you off to every single guy at the joint, she’ll cherry pick because she knows you deserve the best. When she finally does make the introduction, she’ll do it casually rather than one of those “Havvvvvve you met Ted?” lines.
She Spends Enough Time to Pre-Screen and Then Occupies His Friends
There’s nothing more distracting than a bunch of guys high-fiving each other and cheering a mate on while he chats to a girl. A good wing woman will offer a distraction for his mates…even if his friends are dudes.
She Makes Her Intentions Known
Right from the get go, a good wing woman must communicate her intentions towards the object of your affection i.e. make it very clear in bold neon signs that she has no interest in your guy. She is friendly but not flirty, engaging but keeps a distance. There is nothing worse than a ‘wing woman’ helping you out and attracting the attention for herself.
She is Subtle In Her Approach
Forget cheesy pick up lines. She is genuine in her approach. Instead of a one size fits all type of pick up line, she knows her audience so well that when she then goes to introduce you, it won’t seem so contrived. “What you dig old indie films? So does my friend Lucy. You HAVE to meet her”.
She Stays Until The Very End
This one is pretty straightforward. A good wing woman stays until you’re comfortable being alone with the new guy. She then coyly slips away and patiently waits for your debrief the morning after.
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.