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Why Everyone is Talking About Tinder

Why Everyone is Talking About Tinder

The App that’s changed the way we think about online dating

Speak to any single guy or gal from the 20-35 age bracket and you’ll likely hear  about Tinder. If you’ve been living under a rock, Tinder is a dating app which matches you with people within your area. If you have yet to experience this dating game changer, here’s the low down.


Tinder finds singles within your area. Within minutes you’ll find single men and women within your area. Take the hassle out of creating a profile, you can login with your Facebook details (don’t worry, it’s private so your newsfeed won’t know you’re looking for love with an app). Thanks to Facebook, you can see how many mutual friends you have with people you come across. With a swipe – ‘yes’ or ‘no’, you can potentially find a ‘match’. The best part is that you get to avoid the rejection that may happen in real life. People won’t know you ‘like’ them unless they like you back.

If you have a ‘match’, you can then open the conversation with a witty and charming one-liner (most just start with a generic hi there). It’s a quick way to meet a lot of people but really, it’s a numbers game. The more people you swipe to the ‘yes’ pile, the more likely you’ll get a match.

Tinder has garnered somewhat of a reputation as an app for hook-ups and that’s fair. Tinder isn’t an app that is particularly good at finding matches based on interests or age. Aside from a short bio and profile picture, you don’t really know much about the person. (How different is this from real life where most of us are judged on looks?)


Three of our very normal single guy friends were raving about Tinder at dinner the other day – guys who could easily meet someone without the help of an app. Sure, you can question their intentions on Tinder but if three blokes can boast about their Tinder matches (or lack thereof) out in the open – you can bet that the app is no longer a desperate ploy to get a date. What Tinder has done for online dating is that it has helped shake the stigma of it catering to ‘desperate’ people.

This very addictive app is for anyone who isn’t shy about putting their profile pictures for all to see. Just about every single guy I know is or has been on Tinder and so if you don’t mind that your profile might get ‘swiped’ by someone you know, then Tinder isn’t for you.


Because it’s the digital age, chats can happen anytime of day. This includes 3:00am texts that go something along the lines of ‘Where are you?’ and ‘Want some company?’.


In an age where convenience is everything, Tinder makes it geographically convenient for you to date singles in your area…because long commutes in Sydney traffic can drive anyone mad.


Why not? Just manage your expectations. Understand that online dating is very much like real life. It’s hit or miss, trial and error. What I can guarantee is a good laugh along the way. If you don’t take it seriously, you may make a few great friends or find someone you actually like.

So what are your thoughts on Tinder? Hate it or Rate it? Read: Modern Dating

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