Top 5 Things That Make You a Bad Date
Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…

First impressions count. Yet, so many of us are guilty of the dating offenders. If you never get past the first date, the following may explain why. We asked our guys and gals to tell us their dating pet hates.
Top 5 Pet Peeves as Voted by the Ladies
Guys who ask you out but then accept the money when you offer to pay for dinner
(Note to guys: We do this to be polite. We don’t actually expect you’ll accept it. If you ask a lady out, you should pay.)
Guys who eat from our plates when we’re still eating
We may be slower eaters but it does not mean we are not hungry. If you are still feeling peckish after your dinner,order a side of fries and let us finish ours.
Early Arrivals
Everyone knows that showing up for a date is a big no-no but so are early arrivals. Just like a job interview, timing is of the essence. Despite our tardiness, we really do have the intention of meeting you in time. But when you arrive early than expected, we end up flustered from rushing – not a great start to a date.
Phone Checkers
Enough said. You can check-in, check-out, update your Facebook status after the date. Also, no one on Instagram needs to see what you’re having for dinner.
The Wandering Eye
We know it’s hard to resist but if you are on a date and an attractive woman walks by, at least try to be discreet if you are going to look.
Top 5 Pet Peeves as Voted by the Guys (in Priority)
Chances are, we’ve already gone through the effort of asking you out and we’ll pay for dinner. Showing up on time is all we ask. If you’re running late, tell us in advance.
Phone checkers
No selfies please.
Someone who just talks about themselves
You may be hot but after awhile this gets boring.
Not listening & asking the same questions she already asked
Much like the fairer sex, guys appreciate good listeners too.
Not having an opinion
Guys love a challenge. Keep us on our toes. Wit and confidence is very sexy.
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.