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How a Fake Diamond Ring + Aquabumps = The Sweetest Proposal

How a Fake Diamond Ring + Aquabumps = The Sweetest Proposal


The proposal = an epic moment that marks new beginnings/ a romantic declaration of love or to some, a costly but necessary gesture. Regardless of what it means to you, it’s a story you’ll retell again and again to friends, family, acquaintances and even strangers. The best proposals are ones that are reflective of your relationship, which is why my favourite story involves a diamond ring that fell into the ocean and a surprise from famed Bondi photographer Aquabumps.

Meet Rachel and Brad – How They Met

Rachel and Brad met the old fashion way- through mutual friends. Brad had just moved to Bondi from Sydney’s Northern Beaches and prior to their meeting, he’d already met all of her friends. When they finally met on a night out, they clicked right away and by the end of the night, Brad asked her for her number and soon asked her out to dinner.  Rachel had never been on a date and assumed Brad just wanted to make new friends but when he took her out that night and bought her a rose, she knew he had different intentions.

Side note: When asked why she’d never been on a date til she met Brad,  she replied: “Because guys don’t ask girls out any more. They’ll text, Tinder until they know for sure the girl is interested. Noone takes risks. I thought chivalry was dead until I met Brad. He is the most caring and thoughtful guy I’ve ever met” Read: Acts of Chivalry to Bring Back.


The Proposal

Fast track 3 years later. Rachel was finishing her thesis and to celebrate, Brad organised a  morning of paddle boarding at the life saving tower in Bondi. The sun was just coming up, they paddled into the ocean, the water still and calm. Brad called after Rachel and when she turned around, he was on two knees (for balance) with a diamond ring. Shocked and shaken that it was happening, she replied with a zealous YES. As if that wasn’t enough excitement, Brad then dropped the ring into the ocean as he was reaching out to put the ring on her finger. Panicked, Rachel jumped into the water in hopes of retrieving the ‘diamond’ whilst Brad laid back laughing. It was then that she realised he had purposely dropped a $20 dummy ring into the water. Practical jokes aside when they reached the shore, Brad gave Rachel the real diamond  and later went to pick out a setting for her ring.

The Sugar On Top of Such a Sweet Proposal

Amidst the proposal, their favourite photographer Eugene Tan of  Aquabumps was capturing their special moment – a result of Brad’s persistency. Prior to the proposal, he had asked the gallery at Aquabumps for Eugene to capture his proposal. When he was told that they get inundated with requests and couldn’t fulfil them, Brad sought to find the man himself. 7 days of early mornings and long walks later, he finally came across Eugene, who said he’d try his best to make it but couldn’t make any promises. Weeks later, Brad and Rachel received the Aquabumps newsletter which to their surprise featured a picture of them mid proposal!

Rachel and Brad are getting married in 2015 and we can’t wait to see their photos.

Each proposal story is romantic in its on way but the best ones are a reflection of the couple’s personalities and their relationship. We hope you enjoyed Rachel and Brad’s story as much as we did. Have a story to tell? Get in touch. x

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