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The Law of Attraction – Manifestation Put To The Test

The Law of Attraction – Manifestation Put To The Test

get-what-you-wantThis post is inspired by my favourite editor who finally made me rethink the law of attraction aka The Secret. It’s based on the simple thought that you attract what you think about. Call it manifestation or what you will – from editors, life coaches to famous Olympians, these high achievers believe that if you ask the universe for what you want, you will receive it. Not to be confused with luck where opportunities will ‘land on your lap’, the idea with manifestation is think it, ask for it and believe it. I’ve decided to put this theory to the test.

So I’m going to do some homework and share the journey with you. According to the experts, I’m meant to think about what I want. I’ve heard this from many life coaches, celebs (Miranda Kerr) and athletes – when you are crystal clear about what you want, you’ll naturally gravitate towards people and opportunities that will get you to where you want to be. And so I thought about everything I wanted from my health and what kind of body I want, the kind of marriage I’d want to the yellow Fiat I’d like to drive, to my dream home – a loft apartment.

The next step was to ask the universe for what you want. You can do this in a dramatic way via yelling from mountain tops or you can take the subtle route of writing it down. The trick is to be as specific as possible with nailing down everything you want i.e. If you want a car, you should list all its features in detail. I’ve put everything I want on Pinterest on a private board titled Life Design. Here are just some of the things on that board. I thought about sharing it all but then felt a bit vulnerable. If posting it here isn’t asking the universe for it then I don’t know what is.

1. To grow this website with the goal of reaching 100,000 unique browsers by August 2015

2. To own a loft apartment in Sydney by 2015

3. To drive a yellow Fiat convertible

4. To have time to travel and dance

5. To be as fit as I’ve ever been for Summer

You attract what you think about. I have a reminder of this in my calendar everyday.

See Also
gifts that look expensive

As this site is about dating, you probably want to know if you can manifest someone special in your life. I think so…read here and here. I went to a personal coaching seminar the other day where the speaker talked about how she manifested her previous partners to come into her life.  From the 30 foot boat he’d own to how many properties he’d own to his height, this man came into her life. I don’t think this is magic or anything…there is logic to it. If you know what you want, you’re likely to filter out what you don’t want – fast. So this, makes sense. Make a list if that’s what you really want.


I had a recent financial setback and where I would have been worrying about not having money, I focussed on the money I would attract. A week later, an opportunity came from my local bank to participate in some paid market research. Call it a coincidence or maybe I’m just more conscious of it but little things have been ‘manifesting’.

I’ll let you know how this experiment goes. Meanwhile, you let me know what you think? The law of attraction – real or just a way to sell The Secret?

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