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Holiday Etiquette for Daters

Holiday Etiquette for Daters


Cheers to the festive season – a time for parties and a good excuse to dress up. It’s a tricky time of the year if you’ve just started seeing someone. Do you get them a gift? If so, how much should you spend? Or what if they invite you to their work christmas party or a New Years gala? What’s the holiday etiquette if you’re dating and not yet in a relationship? Whether it’s for a date or you’re going solo, here are some things you might want to know.

You’ve Been Invited to His/Her Work Christmas Party. What Do You Wear?

Iona: Best to ask the person who invited you. Being a little overdressed never hurt anyone. You can safely assume that it is probably not the occasion for cleavage or butt cracks. Save that for New

Alex: Can’t you just ask her?

Do You Need to Bring a Gift to Her/His Family Dinner?

Iona: If it’s dinner at his/her family’s home, flowers are always a safe bet. Don’t have them wrapped in cellophane, it devalues the way they look. Wine works too but if you are looking to impress, opt for something personal i.e. cookbook from her favourite chef, sweet pea bouquets because they are her favourite…etc. Budget $30-$50, depending on the event.

Alex: If you get them a present and they don’t get you one then you win. You=1 Them=zero…

That Awkward Moment When You’re Walking Towards the Table and You Don’t Know Where to Sit

Iona: If it’s not already assigned, I’d check with the host or hostess who may already have someone they’d like to sit you next to based on common friends/interests. If your date has invited you along, it’s his/her call.

Alex: Panic. It’s death if you get stuck to a spastic.

Which Fork is The Salad Fork?

Ione: Pretty Woman taught many young women that when it comes to table setting, always start from the outside and work your way in.

Alex: I don’t know….

Can I Put This On Insta?

Iona: Check it at the door and don’t pull it out unless it is to take photos or you need to reference it in a conversation. Be present. That needs resisting the urge to put that mouth salivating roast on your Insta.

Alex: Maybe…probably, only on Thursdays. (What!?)

You’ve Been Gifted and You Didn’t Buy Any Gifts

Iona: Everyone is opening presents and there’s one with your name on it….but you didn’t get anyone else a gift. Unless you are told about this gift exchange, no one will expect this. Be gracious, say thank you and leave it at that. If you’d like, send a thank you note – handwritten.

Alex: You could say you ordered it online then use your ebay app to show what you bought them. Tell them you ordered it ages ago but there was a back log in delivery due to the holidays.

You’ve Been Invited to Christmas Dinner by a Distant Relative and You Want to Bring a Plus 1

Iona: If the host/hostess is a close friend or family member, I’d ask if you can bring one. It’s a case by case basis though. Christmas is a stressful time especially when you have to cook for parties of 10+. Check if your host can accommodate your date or offer to help out with cooking. Or you can simply ask if guests are welcome. If there’s a new belle or beau on the scene, I’m sure your friends/family would be thrilled to meet them anyway.

Alex: If it’s a christmas event, plus 1s are assumed.

You and Your Ex Will Be Going to The Same Party. He/She is bringing their new partner

Iona: Awkward but inevitable. Bring a date. Be civil. Say hello and get on with it.

Alex: You and the new partner may get along, it clearly shows you have the same taste. But maybe pack some chilli powder just in case he/she is a douche bag and you want to spike his drinks.

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