What Guys Think of Red Lipstick

Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we’re paying tribute to the colour red. Well, red lipstick in particular. I have no patience for the effort it takes to rock a red lippie. To get it right, you have to exfoliate your lips, prime them, line them, apply and repeat. Whilst I appreciate a good bold lip on other women, I personally don’t think it’s worth the effort. Most of my guy friends agree – they hate it as much as they hate full fringes (I’ll get to this some other time). How do I know? They told me so….
What Guys Think of Red Lipstick:
Andrew: I have a love/hate relationship with red lipstick. On one hand, a red lipstick tells you a woman is confident, which I like. Red lipstick is like black paint on a white canvas, it stands out. If you want attention, you wear red lipstick. And here’s where I have a problem with red lipstick…I don’t want my girlfriend to wear red lipstick so other guys can check her out. Plus, I’d also hate to get red marks all over me. It’s hot on strangers, not so much if it’s my own girlfriend.
Nick C: There can be a time and place for it but I’m generally pro red lipstick. I just googled it and couldn’t find any bad examples of girls wearing red lipstick. I don’t have a colour preference, it depends on the individual’s lip colour and skin tone and also what look they’re going after. I like red sometimes because it can stand out and be bold. If a girl has nice lips, it can accentuate them.
Nick H: It has to be the right tone for the woman wearing it, but as long as that’s right, f&*( yes! So damn hot. I do have an issue with lipstick in the dating realm though. It is the lipstick that smudges as soon as you kiss and some women insist on reapplying it continually throughout the night. We both end up looking like circus clowns after a few hours. I’d prefer lipstick that stays on or no lipstick or just the initial application.
A: I generally prefer the natural makeup look so I ‘d say no to a red lipstick. It take away from the girl’s natural beauty.
Ways to Wear Red
Don’t let the guys stop you. If you really want to rock a red, do it. Orange reds tend to suit people with light skin and light coloured eyes. If you have an olive or darker skin tone, choose plum or wine reds.
Recommended Lippies
If You Want to Keep it Simple:
Try a tinted lip balm. They’re moisturising and pigmented. I love the Burt’s Bees range of tinted lip balms. The Rose hue is perfect for the colour shy. It goes on sheer but you can build the colour. If you’re feeling a bit bold, you can layer over this with a red lipstick.
If Your Boyfriend/Date Hates Red Lipstick:
Go for colour that’ll last. I like Butter London’s Lippy Sheer Lipgloss in Secret Door – a bold red that has staying power. I’ve loved this brand since they launched their nail colours and this lipgloss does not fail to deliver. It has a hint of colour and the texture isn’t sticky like most lip glosses. It’s very friendly who those who rush to get ready in the mornings and can’t be bothered using a lip liner.
If You Don’t Mind the Hassle:
Go for the cult classic. Jungle Red from Nars is pretty flattering for all skin tones. I also like its creamy texture. Just make sure your lips are moisturised before application. They’re $35 a pop – a bit on the pricey side but well worth it.
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.
My boyfriend would too agree with having a love hate relationship with it. Soon as I put it on I get a lovely comment of omg you look hot, or sexy. But soon as I go to kiss him his just as quick to pull me up and say No No No. I mean it can be funny when they don’t realise they have red lipstick on too hahah. Perfect post for Valentines day. xx
With most guys stating that there is something hot/they like about red lipstick, I would hardly say they hate it as much as you do. – Redforevs.
Maybe you like believing that, but it has not been my experience or observation. It tells a guy that this girl’s “beauty” is all fake and artificial.
Nothing screams “Fake!” or “Phony!” as loudly as bright red lipstick. Look, I don’t hate lipstick, when it’s used intelligently. Lipstick colors should slightly exaggerate, or enhance, the natural lip color of women. No one alive has flaming red lips that are natural. That lipstick color is a total turn-off for me. It belongs on circus clowns and streetwalkers.
I find that guys either hate it or love it.