Reasons I don’t have a boyfriend series is hilarious
Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
Once in awhile you stumble across a gem of a story to tell, something you can’t wait to tell all your friends about. For me, it was a new web series I discovered through Instagram – ‘Reasons I don’t Have a Boyfriend’ by actresses Molly McQueen (Steve McQueen’s granddaughter and Caitlin Harris). It paints a hilarious picture of how hard it is to hold down a boyfriend in LA and how downright creepy it can get. But hey at least it’s a good story to tell and these babes tell it in the most entertaining way (even Hilary Duff rates them).
Our favourite video: Too competitive. When you get a fit of jealous rage seeing your guy with a new girl…only to find out she was his sister.
We loved them so much we asked them for a quick interview.
1. So tell us about the guy who cut Molly’s hair?
He was a creeper. Molly woke up one night and could obviously tell some of her hair was cut. Beware of psychos, girls!
2. Will you be talking about the men you date like T Swift does in her songs?
Absolutely. First of all I think Taylor Swift is a genius to take her heartbreak and pain and channel it into art. That is what we are doing with our episodes. Obviously, ours has a comedic take on it but when we’ve had a shitty date or have encountered a douchey guy, instead of crying about it, we sat down and wrote about it. That to me is extremely empowering.
3. What can a guy do to get to boyfriend status?
Ask. Haha but no, I think for a guy to earn “boyfriend status” they have to be extremely kind, spontaneous, and funny. And you need that spark, you know?
4. Favourite first date
I’m literally going to sound like the cheapest date ever but it was dinner at McDonald’s. We were both working late and planned to go out to a nice restaurant but every place was packed and we couldn’t get a table. So we said, fuck it, let’s go to McDonalds. It was fun, unpretentious, and not to mention DELICIOUS. Mmm now I want a Big Mac.
5. Fill in the blank
Caitlin –
My first date would be…with Jason Segel at an Arcade.
My first date would be with…Jay Z and Beyonce at a Beyonce concert.
6. A Tinder date or a night in with takeaway – which would you choose and why?
Definitely a night in with take out. One time I went on a tinder date and I go into it thinking his name was Kevin (because that’s what he told me it was!). The date was going well until about an hour in he tells me, “Oh, I’m not Kevin. My name’s Vince.” I ran out of there, it was so weird. I also had a tinder date with a dude who was on the bachelorette, which was horrible, but that’s another story for another day.
7. Describe LA men in 3 words:
Attractive, Insecure, a headache
8. What’s your dating motto?
Don’t Settle! I’d much rather be single and happy then in a relationship and unhappy! Ladies DON’T SETTLE!!!
9. What advice would you give to your viewers?
Do you. Focus on your dreams and if a good guy comes along snag him up. HAVE FUN!!!
Caitlin and Molly
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.