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A Letter of Thanks + A Free E-book Just Because

A Letter of Thanks + A Free E-book Just Because

free-ebook-on-dating-in-your-30sJust last week I was browsing through my website traffic and I noticed that in the last year, I’ve had 3 TIMES the visitors coming to read the stories on So whether you’re just stumbled into this blog post, an occasional reader or one of those very special readers (J.L.) who notices when I skip a post – THANK YOU! Thank you for feedback (the good and bad) but mostly, thank you for sending through your questions.

Those of you who have followed this blog from the beginning will know that this blog was inspired by a breakup – the one event that just happens to be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I started writing when I was in between jobs. Applying for jobs is such a repetitive process and I was in need of a creative outlet and a productive way to cope with the breakup. One blog post led to several and pretty soon, I discovered that there were tons of 30 something singles going through the same thing. Dating and being single in your 30s isn’t a scary thing. It’s definitely different from dating in your 20s but it’s fun just the same, if you let it be. So it was this ‘journey’ that led me to find my love for sharing stories with you.

Since I’ve started blogging, I’ve had the same kind of questions come through…mostly from women who are bewildered by the men they date and I genuinely want to help – only I think it’s best if the answers came straight from the source. And so we’ve surveyed 100 men using your commonly asked questions and we’ve put it in a free e-book which includes a lot of insights from men who did not hold back in our research.

  • Some of the most common questions we’ve asked:
  • What do guys notice when they first meet a woman? Is it boobs, eyes or bum?
  • Will a guy think differently of a woman if she sleeps with him on the first date?
  • How soon is too soon to get engaged?
  • How much is he planning to spend on an engagement ring?
  • What makes him swipe right?

100 men have answered this question and it’s in the ebook we’re going to share with you. If you’d like a copy of this book, pre-order your freebie e-book or visit the Freebies page

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