10 Things A Woman Needs to Master in their 20s

Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
Because life will be so much easier in your 30s if you’ve nailed these 10 things in your 20s.
1.Change a Tire
This is probably one of the most practical ones on the list. Yes, you can hire someone or call roadside assistance but when you’re stranded on a desert road with 3% battery, your smartphone won’t come in very handy. Learn to do it yourself so you can at least haul yourself over to the next service station.
2. Negotiate
There’s a reason why there’s such a discrepancy in pay between men and women. It’s not because all workplaces discriminate. Really, it’s because women don’t ask. Everytime I plan to ask for a raise, my guy friends always hassle me to negotiate and their tactics are no b.s. To do it – make a list of all the things you’ve contributed to your role and if necessary, put a dollar amount on it. Sum up everything you do to benefit the company and go in with a figure in mind. (Good luck!)
3. Have Control Over Your Finances
The earlier you start, the easier life gets later. I went through my 20s spending whatever I had. Figures on credit card statements really had no meaning to me until I was unemployed and had to pay those off without an income. Understand how much you’re spending every month. I’ve been writing down every purchase I make on paper and then evaluating it at the end of the week. It turns out, 90% of my expenses go to eating out and taxis. Save for a rainy day, set aside some cash so that if you’ve ever out of work, you have about 3-6 months expenses to cover it. Learn about investments. Whether it be stocks or property, you want to know how money can work for you. I’ve been obsessed with videos from Sugarmama.tv , that teaches you about finance in terms you can understand.
4. Have a Signature Dish
For potlucks and bbqs, having a signature go-to dish means you won’t have to stress over finding the best recipe to impress guests. Even if you’re not a good cook, have one dish you’re great at. It doesn’t even need to be fancy. My favourite is vegemite cheese scrolls. You need frozen puff pastry sheets, vegemite and shredded cheese. Spread vegemite over puff pastry, sprinkle with cheese. Roll the sheets and cut into 5 cm chunks. Bake for 20 minutes or until pastry is golden.
There’s no delicate way to do it and every break up will be different. Working up the courage to do it with grace is something to master so you minimise as much damage as possible. The best advice I can give you is to do it as soon as you can and cut off communication so both parties can move on.
6. Dress for Your Body
It’s easy to follow trends but just because leopard print playsuits are in again, it doesn’t mean they’re right for your body type. Find out which shapes flatter your body and then work trends around them. Harem pants never look good on me and crop tops and high waisted skirts don’t do much for my top heavy frame. Knowing how to dress for your body type can help you appear a few kilos lighter.
7. Know Dining Etiquette
If you’re well into your career, you’ll know that dinners with clients or attendance at fancy schmancy events will probably be in order. Know which forks to use and when, break up pieces of bread instead of putting the whole thing into your mouth and when pouring water or wine, always pour for your neighbours and guests first. When in doubt about which fork to use, work your way in from the one furthest away from the plate.
8. Have Some Proper Pictures of You
Pictures tell a story so you want them to reflect your best self, especially if you’re on a professional network like LinkedIn. At least have a few shots on file.
9. Travel
An obvious one, travel opens your eyes in ways staycations can’t. You might be putting it off to save for a mortgage but a lifetime of adventures and travel stories will change your life in ways a home can’t. Besides, a home and mortgage can wait. When else will you have the flexibility and disposable income to travel? Have a bucket list and then work towards it.
10. Know Who to Give Your Time To
Most people want to make money but why do they? I’ll bet it’s time they want…and they need money to buy it. We don’t have an infinite amount of time so you want to spend it with people you value. It’s so easy for weeks to fill up with catch ups with friends and acquaintances who may only bring drama and stress into your life. Recognise who you want to give your time to.
I’m only skimming the surface here. There are so many more on this list. If you liked this article, share it.
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.
Great article. The girls in the office all agree!