Want That Second Date? It May Be Time to Clean Your Home
Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
It turns out home is where the heart is. Living spaces say a lot about a person about it can also determine the future of your relationship. According to a survey by elitesingles.com.au, 71% of singles would dump their date due to bad living spaces.
20% of singles have abandoned a potential partner due to sub-par living spaces, and a further 51% would be prepared to do so. At the other end of the scale, almost one in every 3 singles believe they can be attracted to a partner based on how much they love their living space.
So just how specific are we talking here? What did singles describe as household deal breakers?
When asked which household features were an absolute no-go, men and women differed:
Top 3 no-gos according to men
1) Motivational notes everywhere
2) Stuffed animals
3) Too many cosmetics
Top 3 no-gos according to women
1) Empty-looking apartment
2) Video game console
3) Ugly colours
Household heroes
If you build it, they will come. Thirty-two percent of singles said it was possible to be attracted to a partner based on their living space. Asked which particular features made a potential partner more attractive, singles pointed to the following:
Top Ten Items to Impress a Date + What You Should Have in Your Home
1. Well-equipped kitchen
2. Family pictures
3. Artworks
4. Well-stocked bookshelves
5. Pets
6. Travel paraphernalia
7. Musical instruments
8. Designer furniture
9. Vintage furniture
10. Hand-made items
Pre-date preparations: almost 1 in 4 men make no effort
In a nod to old-fashioned courtship, the majority of singles (84%) tidy their house before the arrival of a date. Votes were unanimous; the bathroom is the most important thing to clean, with 42% of the votes. Surprisingly, just 5% of singles said changing the sheets was the first priority.
Of the 16% less-inclined to domestic cleanliness, men are the more slothenly gender; 22% said they don’t bother with pre-date preparations at all, compared with 14% of women.
Photo Credit: Breather at Unsplash
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.