How To Improve Your Love Life In 2016
Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
A new year is full of promising fresh starts. Instead of new years resolutions we never keep, I’ll stick to some practical tips we should all be doing regardless of the time of year. Whether you are single or taken, relationships take time to nurture.
If You are Single
Congratulations. Despite what people say about dating (online dating in particular), dating is so much fun! You have the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want and you get to meet a ton of new people. The most exciting part about being single is the possibility of what could happen, be open to unknown. Give people you’d never date a shot. You never know what could happen.
If You are Single and Looking to Settle Down This Year
If all your friends are married and settled down with babies, it’s probably something you want as well – not because you want to do what everyone else is doing but probably because you are at a similar life stage. If this sounds like you, make a list of what you want in a relationship. It’ll help you sift through the guys who are right for you versus those who are fun and ‘nice enough’.
If You are Going Through a Break Up
In the month of December, I received an especially high number of emails from readers who had just broken up with a serious partner. I’ve been there, it’s why I started the blog in the first place. If you’ve just broken up with your partner, special occasions may be especially hard this time of the year. For 2016, take the time to focus on yourself. Breakups in your 30s and 40s are hard but know there is someone else better suited out there for you. You don’t have to worry about finding your next boyfriend now, work on creating a life you love on your own, the rest can come later. I promise it gets better.
If You are In a Mediocre Relationship
Sometime we stay in our jobs and relationships because it’s comfortable. We stay because it’s less scarier than the unknown. But you know what they say, big risk, bigger rewards. If you’re not happy with your relationship, you can change it. Be brave enough to take the plunge not knowing who you’ll meet later. It’s a terrifying move to make but I’ve seen 2 of my clients do it this year and both have found new, happier love.
If You are In a Relationship
This year, I learned what quality time means. It’s not scrolling through social media whilst you’re watching a movie together or blogging on your laptop on the couch together. The best part about being with a partner who is not obsessed with their work is that they help you tune out. To connect, it’s best to disconnect. Ditch the digital devices and set aside at least one night a week for date night, where you actually have a conversation without the distractions of everyday life. You’ll have a better relationship for it.
I’m excited for what the new year brings. Are you? =)
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.