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My honest review of Zoë Foster Blake’s Break Up Boss App

My honest review of Zoë Foster Blake’s Break Up Boss App


I’m not typically a fan of apps. I don’t like how they clutter my phone and make it harder for me to find my essential apps e.g. Uber Eats (a girl’s gotta eat!). But I am a fan of Zoë’s and was very excited to hear she launched a new app dedicated to break ups.

As you know, writing about breakups is right up my ally. 30everafter started because of a breakup. (It was a life changing experience. You can read  about blind side break ups and going through a break up in your 30s here and here).

Also read: How to move on from a breakup in your 30s

Regardless of how long you guys were together for or how things ended, breakups are never a pleasant experience but it doesn’t mean you need to let it consume you. Break Up boss is like the friend who stops you from doing things you ay regret later i.e. sending that drunken text at 3am.

It won’t replace the much needed emotional support you’ll get from friends and family but it may help in the moments when no one is around and you’re surrounded by your thoughts.

What I love:

The delivery of content

The way this app is laid out is like a ‘choose your own adventure’ Cosmo quizz. The ‘feel wheel’ lets you choose how you’re feeling in the breakup and then delivers you content to cope with those feelings. It addresses the different emotions you’d experience in a breakup.

Text to an ex

How many times have you been tempted to tell an ex how you really feel? Now you can do that without the consequences. The text to an ex function lets you ‘send’ a text that gets delivered into a blackhole for text messages so you can rage away if you want to.


Sometimes you just need words of encouragement to lift your spirits. The SOS function has words of wisdom you can access with a few swipes. Expect to find quotes from the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Alexander Graham Bell and Zoe herself.

You can read about the rest of my review of the Breakup Boss app on Youtube.

Would I buy it if I was going through a break up? YES.

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