How to text flirt with your boyfriend

Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
Whether you prefer to meet people online or offline, it’s hard to get away without texting when you’re dating in 2018. When done right though, those little emojis and witty one-liners can add a layer in a relationship that builds anticipation towards your next date out (or in). It doesn’t come naturally for everyone though. So if you need a little more inspiration, you can check more flirty questions here.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you text flirt your boyfriend.
Keep the mystery
I always agree that text messages are meant to be short and sweet. If you want to have a real conversation that doesn’t involve emojis, do it in person or over the phone. No one wants to read an essay over text. In fact, this is the key to a successful flirtation, leave a little to the imagination. Remember that texts are short conversations, check-ins and sharing funny things you found online. It is not a platform for a d&m (deep and meaningful). You can create a little mystery but telling him about something that turned you on or an idea you have about your next big date. If he probes you for more info you can cheekily tell him that it’s a secret or that he has to guess what you’ll be doing.
Give him space
When you’ve finally sent that carefully crafted text, the anticipation of receiving a response can leave you in suspense and anxiety. But everyone has a different relationship with their phones and your man may not have his glued to his hip at all times. So the next time you hit send, give him space to respond. Don’t waste time staring at the phone waiting for those 3 grey dots to turn into a text reply.
No, he did not lose his phone. His phone is working fine. If he doesn’t text you back right away, it doesn’t mean he’s playing games or that he’s not interested. Don’t overanalyze it and give the situation anxious energy. To manage the anxiety that comes with waiting for a reply, think of some things you love to do. Things that make you feel the most you. It could be dancing, listening to music. Write it all down. The next time you find yourself waiting by the phone, do one of these things. Not only will it take your mind off waiting for a text back, it’ll also put you in a good mood.
Not confident about your texting know-how? Here are some flirty text examples, read here.
Show him that he’s on your mind
In the early stages of a relationship, it’s flattering to be wanted. You want to maintain the balance between showing your interest without moving too quickly into coupledom (especially when a guy isn’t ready for a committed relationship). Try to send texts that show you’re thinking about him. For example, if he’s always talking about his love for coffee and you happen to stumble across a good brew, take a photo and send it to him with something along the lines of “Wish you were here, you’d love this coffee”. It shows you’ve been listening and care about the little things that make his day. And it’s the little things that count.
Make your texts light and playful
We’ve already covered that text messages aren’t a place for conflict, awkward conversations and ‘where is this going?’ type chats. So next time you text your boyfriend, keep it light. Tell him a joke or something funny that happened during the day. If you see something funny, take a picture and send it to him and tell him to “caption this”. If you’ve spent the morning together, send him a text on your way to work to tell him how handsome he looked.
Don’t leave it just to text
There are new emojis and gifs popping up every day. Gone are the days where an SMS is just text. Make your texts fun with a mix of emojis, gifs and photos of you (explicit or not). It could be short videos of you saying good night if you’re traveling or voice notes telling him you’re thinking of him. My husband and I send each other voice notes throughout the day. It’s the best alternative to a phone call. Get creative with your opening line. As this article suggests, don’t be a boring texter and open a text conversation with ‘hey how was your day?”.
A note on emojis: Use them in moderation. You should only need one or two in a text to convey your point. Though you could string out full sentences with them, it’s best not to. It’s overstepping the line between playful and annoying, especially if your guy isn’t emoji literate.
It’s nice to be naughty
Everyone is a little braver over text. It’s how sexting became a thing. If you’re shy about the idea, start with sending him a photo of you in an outfit you feel hot in. Leave the caption simple, like “Can’t wait to see you tonight”. When it comes to texting, less is always more.
The art of text flirting is definitely something they don’t teach in school. If you need a few ideas, here are some SMS ideas that you can send to your boyfriend tonight. Want to learn more about texting or need some quick advice? Happy to help. Send me an email at iona (@) I can’t wait to hear from you.
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.