New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Singles

Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
I love the end of the year. It gives me time to reflect and prep so I can make the following year the best it can be. If you’ve been looking for ways to improve your chances of finding someone here are a few resolution ideas to consider:
Accept nothing less than mediocre
If you keep accepting mediocre relationships, men, jobs, you’ll keep attracting more of the same. The moment you raise your standards will be the moment you start filtering out situations and people who don’t fulfill your needs. Most people I know accept mediocre because they don’t think they’re worthy of more. They’re afraid if they ask for more, they’ll be demanding or too picky.
But here’s the thing:
Pickiness isn’t a bad thing. If you want to attract your ideal partner, you have to be the kind of partner that person would want.
Stop accepting bad behavior
You teach people how you want to be treated. You.
Make a list of things you will no longer tolerate. Make it known that you will no longer accept people who cancel on you last minute, treat you like plan b every weekend, give you breadcrumbs but not the affection and love you deserve. Because you deserve much more.
Date men who are aligned with your core values
You may not be able to control who you attract into your life BUT you can control who stays. When the social diary is a little light, it’s easy to say ‘yes’ to every date. How many times have you dated someone just because no one else was in the picture? How many times have you gone out with someone you weren’t that interested in?
Get some clarity on the type of men you want to date and then stay on path – this is especially relevant for those who’ve finished ‘finding themselves’ and have dated enough men to know what they want and need.
Surround yourself with people who make you feel good
When you feel great, you ooze it. People are naturally drawn to you. So make an effort to spend time with people who make you feel great.
Put some effort into your love life, meet new people
If you want to win the jackpot, you have to buy a ticket. Yet many singles I speak to will tell me how hard it is to meet a man but do nothing to help the cause. If you think dating is a struggle but don’t make an effort to sign up for online dating apps, get new hobbies and join new social groups, the only thing holding back is you. Make an effort to meet new people at least once a week.
Say no
Allow yourself to say no to the men you don’t want to text back, the ones who look so good on paper but has zero chemistry with you, the ones who don’t put in 100% even when you’ve put in 110%.
Live every day like it’s your last as a singleton
Being single has its perks. You get to decide and do whatever you want to do every day. You don’t need to consider anyone else’s schedule except yours. It’s freeing. Think of all the things you may not be able to do when you’re coupled up and in love (maybe even with a baby). And do them. When I was single and living on my own, I decorated my room in a very girly way because I knew that I would never have another room like this after I met my husband. These are little things but little things I really enjoyed doing knowing that I wasn’t always going to be single.
What other new year’s resolutions do you have?
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.