5 books every single woman in their 30s needs to read

Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating.…
Sometimes one book can change your life. For me, there were several that really made me rethink the way I viewed relationships. If you’re a bookworm, these are 5 books every single woman dating in their 30s should read.
I’ve reviewed this book on my channel but it’s one I recommend over and over again, especially to singles dating in their 30s. The book talks about attachment theory and how most people have one of three attachment styles. It explains why people feel anxious and needy in relationships and why others avoid intimacy and commitment. Lots of readers have written back with ‘aha’ moments. Loaded with quizzes for self-assessment and practical solutions to go from casual dating to a committed relationship.
Daring Greatly
Brene Brown is a researcher who talks about the power of vulnerability. So many people are afraid to be themselves in fear that people won’t like who they really are. Brene Brown unleashes myths about shame and vulnerability. Read it and you’ll learn how you can use your vulnerability to create intimacy in all your relationships.
Boundaries in Dating
Written by two doctors with their own podcasts, Boundaries in Dating is a best seller – and with good reason. Many of us know what we need to be happy in a relationship but we’re afraid to ask for it. This book teaches you how to set boundaries in dating so you can ask for the relationship you want.
Heart of Love
Dr.Demartini is someone I’ve followed for years. His Demartini method has transformed lives in just short weekends. Use his method to address reoccurring conflict, remove dating blocks and help you understand why people behave the way they do.
5 languages of love
Everyone shows love differently and Gary Chapman breaks it down here in 5 languages of love. Recognise your love language so you can communicate your needs to your partner/future partner. You’ll also learn how to spot others’ love language so you know how to express love in a way they’ll receive it.
Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash
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Iona is a Wellness Coach specialising in relationships and dating. She works with single women to write their own love stories.